
I haven't posted in a long time, pretty much figure I don't have anything that interesting to say.  My daughters and son-in-laws are quite the thinkers and writers and they convey themselves so much better
than I do, then I realize that it's my insecurities that keep me from posting or sharing anything for fear of  not saying something right or sharing something that maybe I shouldn't.  I have opened myself up in the past and had women use it against me, when they see my vuluable side they use me and I have been hurt.
Before I go on I want to ask you to please pardon my spelling it's not the best, my puntcuation and grammar are awful as well, but I don't want that to keep me from sharing my heart.

So all this to say...
I have been thinking about my childhood and how to this day it affects who I am.  Now some of us get to have parents who encourage and are supportive.  I didn't get that (please don't get me wrong I love my parents and they did the best with what they understood) it's just that at every turn I was put down.  I wanted to be an airline stewartis and I was told I was too short, wanted to play softball, run track, volleyball but unless I had a friend who's mom would be willing to run me home (we lived almost to Lebanon) I couldn't do it.  You see my parents didn't have parents who supported them or were there for them and unfortunately they did the same to me.  Because of that I am still struggling with feelings of inadequacy.  I use to so much want to hear my parents tell me how much they loved me (they do tell me now as an adult) or that I did a good job cleaning my room or making my bed, but when I did something good they still felt it was necessary to point out what I missed, never any praise, I can't tell you how much that hurts a little kid.  The results of that is this - As an adult when I walk in a room I figure that I won't be liked.  I feel, fat, ugly and unloveable.  I struggle with this and it affects who I am today and my relationships.  I strive to be such a pleaser that I do and do and do to the point of not taking care of myself.  Then if I do take time for me, I feel guilty. I so much want approval and for people to like me.  Please don't get me wrong I do these things also because I love doing for other's.   Well with all of that said, this is what I do know and what I hold onto.

That is that God LOVES me, His love for me is greater than any love I will ever know.  He choose me before the foundation of the earth to be His child.  When the lies that plague my mind so many times come to settle I HAVE to shake off those thoughts with His word.  God has blessed me so much and yet it was just tonight that my heart was aching over, what if's and why me, why us and so I am still dealing.  Dealing with past hurts, trying to not allow them to steal my joy to dictate who I am and to make me an uneffective Christian.
You would think that after 20 plus years as a Christian I would of worked through all of this, well I pretty much have but sometimes it comes back with a vengence and I have to fight it off again, but I'm not alone.  I have a husband and daughter's who listen and encourage me with scripture and support.
I'm NOT perfect, but there are things that I do well and that is Loving my family, cooking, cleaning, organization, giving support and just in general being there for family and friends.  Those are the things I have to remind myself of and hold onto when my past starts nagging at me and trying to pull me down.
I am sharing this praying that it may help someone else if for no other reason than to know they are not alone. 

I have to remind myself daily that I have a good heart and no matter what has happened to me or what may happen I want to always count my blessings and not allow my past to make me bitter but instead make me BETTER.


  1. Mom,

    I love you so very much! So does your entire family...I know you know that! I'm so very glad that you broke the vicious cycle. Someone had to break it or it just continues on and on. Love you!!!

  2. Mom- your words are amazing! You and dad started the legacy for us, your grandchildren, their someday Grandchildren etc. It's seeing a woman of Grace. Being able to identitfy with our wearkness' because we all have them. Understanding that we can't love our Savior or for that matter anyone. It's our Savior who sent His Son to pay for our failours. Only by Him can we show grace, love, kindness and deal with everyday temptations that come our way and try to steal our joy we have in HIM!!!!!! Mom- seeing that we as humans are just temparary love which won't last for eternity but seeing that our God and Savior loves His children is everlasting and that HE loved us before creation is mind blowing and comforting. You are an amazing mom! To share and show others personal struggles to me is showing others the Grace of God! Thank you for sharing your heart and how powerful your love for God is. I am beyond blessed to have you as my mom who i look up too. Love you!!!

  3. You both make me so very proud and have brought tears of Joy to my eyes and heart. I have counted it a privilage that God gave your father and I to raise you both. May God bless you both and your families and may His Love abide in ALL the generations to come.
    Love you both so very much, Mom

  4. i just love all three of you dearly :) i know i don't know you all very well, but i know you enough that i see Jesus in ALL three of you, and i know that you all strive to be more like Him every day. you all shine His light with your lives, and i want to thank you for your honesty and testimony.

    God bless!

  5. thank you so much Emily for your love and support and you are right we may not know each other that much, in fact I got to know you because you worked with Candice and then I worked with Brandi, but even if we don't know each other that well you are a sister in Christ to us and in that we have SO MUCH in common. I love seeing your post and pictures. I use to journal all the time, so blogging is new and not sure how much i will get to it but it is just good sometimes to get things out in writing and if it helps encourage some that is what I want and for Christ to be Glorified. Have a very Merry Christmas


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